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Dr. Freddy Liendo - 11/26/2021
Hysytech S.r.l. (Coorinating Beneficiary)

SBO performance in Anaerobic Digestion

The addition of SBO enhanced the AD in the ACEA digestor and SBLO and OT prototypes. The addition of SBO into the digestors reduced the ammonia content in the digestate up to 60%. The chemical characteristics of SBO that depended on the kind of compost employed noticeably influenced the SBO performance.

Dr. Freddy Liendo - 11/26/2021
Hysytech S.r.l. (Coorinating Beneficiary)

Socio-economic and environmental feasibility of the project

The results obtained in actions B3 and B4 were highly useful to determine the socio-economic and environmental feasibility of the project. The reduction of Ammonia content in digestate by employing a waste-derived green additive represents highly important benefits for the society according to the socio-economic and Lice cycle assessments. It is a low-cost process and the small quantities needed for such a benefit in ammonia reduction does not entail high contributions to the carbon footprint of the overall process. Furthermore, the ammonia reduction allows to reduce costs for post-treatment and use of chemicals that has a high carbon footprint. read..
Dr. Freddy Liendo - 11/26/2021
Hysytech S.r.l. (Coorinating Beneficiary)

Final Monitoring Visit

The Last monitoring Visit of the project was held online. The latest outcomes of the project were presented to the monitor and officer, Riccardo Giandrini and Cesar Seoanez, respectively. All the partners involved in the project presented their results. read..
Dr. Freddy Liendo - 11/26/2021
Hysytech S.r.l. (Coorinating Beneficiary)

Training Webinar

Two training seminars had to take place in the ACEA premises, but the COVID-19 emergency did not allow the consortium to perform these seminars. As a contingency, a webinar was done. It was a very interesting webinar with the participation of 32 people. read..
Paolo Beda - 1/10/2018
Hysytech S.r.l. (Coorinating Beneficiary)


The hydrolysis prototype was tested and certified at the ACEA premises in the framework of the action B3 of the project.

An up-scaled prototype of the process previously studied and optimized by UNITO in the lab-scale was validated. The prototype consists in a mini plant that allows obtaining SBO employing compost with different characteristics depending on the geographical area of provenience and the year-station. The so-produced SBO is employed for the activities of action B4.


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