Paolo Beda-6/4/2018
Hysytech S.r.l. (Coorinating Beneficiary)
The project was presented on 26/05/2018 in the events "Welcome to the LIFE Program", organized by the University of Padova every year at its headquarters in the Department of Engineering, during which the project objectives were presented by Prof. Montoneri with a public presentation and were distributed dissemination materials. Several other beneficiaries of LIFE projects were present together with public authorities and academic/private world actors. This event, so, represented a good occasion of networking and exchange of informations.
Another event participated has been the fair “Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition 4.0” in Rome (Italy) on 1-3/12/2017. A poster has been shown and materials distributed presenting the project and its expected results in the space of the Bioeconomy Village, a large department dedicated to the bioeconomy and participated by the general public, hosting universities, research centres, industries and startups. And with workshops e Talks on topics related to the bio-economy.

As well, the project was presented during the 1st International STAR-ProBio Workshop, 6th April 2018, Climate Show, Geneva, hosted by the STAR-ProBio project as its first international workshop at the Climate Show in Geneva, Switzerland. The workshop was attended by 53 stakeholders from 15 countries representing a diverse range of backgrounds from research institutions to companies, industry associations and civil society organisations: a very important dissemination and networking opportunity.
The first summer school has been organized on 11-12/06/2018 in Athens (GR), participated by managers and researchers of private and public companies and students, the researchers and managers of the future.

The SBLA pilot plant have been presented during a TV programme named House in the Nature transmitted by the Cyprus National Channel RIK. The programme was broadcasted on the 28/9/2018.

A poster with the LIFECAB concept was presented at the Ecomondo Fair in the Hysytech stand. Ecomondo is the leading expo for the green and circular economy that took place last year in November 5th- 8th at the Rimini Expo Centre.
During the Naxos 2018 Conference “6th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management” held in Naxos Island (Greece) on 13-16 June 2018, UNITO made a presentation entitled “Valorization of Fermented Municipal Biowaste as Source of Value-Added Chemical Specialities and Intermediates” in Waste & Resource Recovery session and AUA and OT participated with a poster presentation.
The first LIFECAB WORKSHOP was organized by AUA in Naxos (GRE) on 12/06/2018 within the 1st PhD Summer School and Executive Training on Solid Waste Management (11-12/06/2018) included in the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management.
The event took place with the participation of managers and researchers of private and public companies and several students. Besides, the event has counted with the participation of UNITO, CUT and OT as speakers:
- Oral presentation by UNITO (Dr. Enzo Montoner): Developing protocol and analytical methodology to assess N and C mass balance in the anaerobic fermentation of municipal biowaste under real operational conditions
- Oral presentation by CUT (Dr. Michail Koutinas): Production of biomethane and other biofuels from citrus residues and design of pilot facilities for food waste processing in Cyprus.
- Oral presentation by OT (Dr. Anestis Vlysidis): Treatment and valorization of olive mill wastes for the production of value-added chemicals and bioenergy using anaerobic digestion.

UNITO participated in the International Conference on Anaerobic Digestion, on September 17-19, 2018 in Torino, Italy, with two posters presentations.

The 7th November 2018, during the “BIOWASTE: XX Conference on Composting and Anaerobic Digestion” at the Ecomondo Fair held in Rimini (Italy), ACEA made an oral presentation titled “Compost stream as a potential biomass for humic acid production: focus on compost seasonal and geographical variability”. This presentation was also a paper conference.

During the 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources & Energy Efficiency, held in Nicosia, Cyprus the 1st-2nd November 2018, CUT made an oral presentation titled “Pilot evaluation of a novel anaerobic fermentation process for the production of digestate with low ammonia content”
A presentation of the LIFECAB project has been made to the employees of SBLA on 1st November 2018. This was an event aimed to raise awareness of the staff employed by SBLA in relation to the LIFECAB project. The activities of the project were presented by project participants from both SBLA and CUT.
These events are focused mainly in the sustainable solid waste management promoting the distribution of Circular Economy models and safe practices and modern technologies for waste management and waste valorisation. Those represent an opportunity to inform scientists & professionals from government departments, industries, Municipalities, private institutions, research & education institutions about LIFECAB project, being a forum for the exchange of the most recent ideas, techniques & experiences in all areas of solid waste management and including a special workshop with representatives of local authorities and municipalities.
CUT organised a networking event with the National contact points of Hungary and Cyprus in its premises on 23/11/2018. During this event, LIFECAB was presented to the national contact point of Hungary (which visited Cyprus for networking) as well as the Cypriot contact point. CUT participated in this event.
On 13/12/2018, CUT participated in a LIFE networking event for Cypriot projects organised by LIFE Cyclamen (a project aimed to raise awareness for the LIFE programme in Cyprus) in Nicosia, Cyprus. During the event, CUT presented the project to participants that involved different LIFE projects as well as policy makers.

HYSYTECH has completed the prototype and is currently performing the validation tests. It is a pre-industrial scale prototype for the "SBO" production from the hydrolysis of compost. The SBO are organic macromolecules that are biostimulants, as already demonstrated at lab-scale.
In particular, we will test their influence on the anaerobic digester of ACEA Pinerolese (Turin, Italy), evaluating the beneficial effects in terms of reduction of the ammonia compounds present in the digestate and biogas, with a simultaneous increase of the biomethane concentration in biogas.
Last June 14th took place at LUISS Guido Carli, University of Rome, Department of Law, the LIFECAB's project's 24-month meeting.
The event has been organized during the STAR-ProBio\LIFECAB Annual Joint Workshop at the EURAS 2019 Conference.
LIFECAB's partners, from Greece (AUA, OT), Cyprus (CUT, SBLA) and Italy (UNITO, ACEA, POOL, HST), have rewieved the project to analyze the enhancement of the actions, with a special focus on SBO (Soluble Bio-based Organic substances) production from compost and on SBO effects on anaerobic bio-digestion.
The production plant of SBO has been designed, built and commissioned by HYSYTECH.
The first feedback from industrial scale testing of the SBO (on Acea Pinerolese Industriale Spa anaerobic digestion plant, located near Turin, Italy) is very impressive: the reduction of ammonia and the increase of methane production are proved and consistent.
The productin of SBO will continue in Italy usign ACEA compost and also compost coming from Greece (OT) and Cyprus (SBLA) by two industrial partners, who will than test the SBO on their digester.

The LIFECAB project was key within the training school "Agro-industrial and municipal bio-organic residues valorization towards transition to a sustainable bio-economy", last 3rd and 4th of October in Limassol, Cyprus. Main topics were bioeconomy and biorefinery, sustainable industrial development and technologies (circular economy) for biowaste valorization and production of bio-based products.
In the training school, a workshop was dedicated to LIFECAB, as a project able to give a valuable answer to the reuse of a product of the treatment of municipal biowaste (MBW), the compost, thanks to the reduction of the ammonia content in the digestate of anaerobic fermentation reactors.
Within the frame of the training school, the 24M project meeting took place. Progress of the activities were presented for each partner. Results of the first test performed in the anaerobic reactors of SBLA (Cyprus), OT (Greece) and ACEA (Italy) using the soluble bio-based substances (SBO) produced within the project are encouraging.

The International Bioeconomy Day was held on 24 September 2020 in Italy, in order to disseminate and describe the activities underway on the national scene for the promotion of sustainable growth.
For the Turin area, the University of Turin, the Polytechnic of Turin and Environment Park jointly organized an event, which took place with online and face-to-face initiatives (with limited capacity).
At this event, in the afternoon session, our Lifecab project was presented.
It was presented by ACEA Pinerolese Industriale, which highlighted the implications of the project in the field of bioeconomy, in particular regarding the extraction of bio-polymers from compost.