Paolo Beda-1/10/2018
Hysytech S.r.l. (Coorinating Beneficiary)
The prototype was designed and manufactured by Hysytech. This prototype was previously tested in the Hysytech premises and the first batches of SBO were produced. The prototype operation was optimized and the KOH concentration and temperature were defined to optimize the productivity of the process.
During the installation phase of the prototype, and during the first and the last hydrolysis batch, some changes were made to the prototype, to better fit the requirements of ACEA. The prototype was then tested with several compost samples and the variability on the chemical characteristics of SBO produced was observed. The variation in these chemical characteristics is caused by the raw material provenience, as the operating conditions were the same.
The chemical characteristics would have an effect on the performance of the SBO for the NH3 abatement. These effects are individuated by SBLA and OT in their Anaerobic Digestors prototypes, as well as in the ACEA digestors.

Hydrolysis prototype at ACEA premises